Okay, so here is my rage post. Be afraid.
I am sick of all the shit. I'm sick of getting fucked over because someone stole my idea. I'm sick of having a class about American Roots Music that that only focuses on one very small part of Americas musical roots. And as you can probably guess, this entire post is going to be mostly about those two things (and also to distract from the paper that I need to finish writing).
So stealing my ideas and fucking me over. Yeah, how about that. I announce in class that I was going to do my project on the music theory behind blues music. And it was going to be great and would have been super easy to do because you can find all kinds of information about it everywhere. And it would have been almost a guaranteed good grade. But no, I got my idea fucking ninjad out from under me just a week before I was suppose to present. And for that, I am extremely bitter. I was forced to come up with something new and I had to do it quick. Well, I didn't come up with any good ideas. I couldn't teach people how to play stuff because I didn't have the equipment. And that was the best thing I could come up with. So I was forced to settle with some bull shit lame assed idea about marching bands and needed some lame connection to make it somewhat relevant to the class. That was obviously really, really hard to do, seeing as if you google it, you will find NOTHING. And I was forced to present this nothing. I only hoped that the relevance to the class wouldn't be brought up. Sadly for me, it was. And again, I was fucked. This project thing has done nothing for me other than to teach me that people are general ass holes that will fuck you over at any chance they can. And being myself, I'm usually too nice to say anything about it, but I guess not this time (though I didn't say anything in person). I got fucked over on this project and god damn am I bitter about it.
Second, I'm sick of this "American Roots Music" class not being about all of the American musical roots. Why do we only focus on Blues and Country music out of one small area of the country? There is more to the nation that just Louisiana. What about all the music that came from other areas of the country, like Chicago, New York and the southeast? Or does this music just not relevant to the American musical style? Should we not care about musicals, jazz, classical, and marches? These are all prominent in America as well. It's not just blues and country.
God this week blew ass. I can't wait for it to be over.