Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Something Everyone Needs to Try

Everyone needs to go to Google, type in "failure" and hit I'm feeling lucky. Really, it's ammusing.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sweater Vests

I just watched Lucky Number Slevin again, and it makes me want more sweater vests because they are extremely sexy. I need to go shopping. I need money. I need a job. I need a mall. I should tell my mom that iI don't have enough cloths so she will give me some money. And I can go to MoA next weekend and buy some sexy sweater vests. Then go to K-Space and buy a bunch of cute shirts and maybe some cute pants for cheap (last time I went there, I bought two cute pairs of pants for $9). I need to go thrift shopping too. Hunt down some cute jackets. I wish I had money.

I thought I had posted this one a long time ago, turns out that I accidentally just saved it as a draft. My bad. Here it is anyways.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Maybe not KUMM. Something a litte less dirty, like HAPPY. The CD sale that they had was cool. I bought a bunch of CDs from them today, 13 to be exact (I thought I only had 12). I had never heard of any of the bands whos CDs I bought. I think I got lucky though Most of them aren't that bad. There was only one CD that I listened to so far that I didn't like at all. It was just some totally random abstract noises. It confused me. I haven't listeed to all of them yet, but so far, I am pleased.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Posting Tunes

I just clicked around on other people's blogs, and I realized I am the only one
who is taking advantaage of a file-hosting site and basic HTML. You know what
that means? I need to tell everyone else how to post music on their blogs (in
case any of you are interested). It's really quite simple.

First, you need to find a file hosting site. I used filexoom.com
because it was the first one that came up in a Google search. Make and acount
with them. Don't worry, it's free!

Second, you need some basic HTML. Since Blogger also runs off HTML, I don't
know how well this will work. The code to play audio files is as follows:

<embed autostart='true' height='32' loop='true' src='YOUR SOUNDS URL HERE'

On your blog thing, click edit templates. Then edit HTML. Scroll to the bottom
of the textbox and place the previous command there.

That's it! It is that easy! Now you can all play your own songs. Yay!

Bad habbits

Look what Morris has done to me. I've become addicted to Ebay! I can't afford to be addicted to Ebay! But now I have two laptops for the next month, one that's absolutely kick ass (mine, obviously), and the new one that I bought for a birthday present to a very good friend of mine (which I bought on Ebay last week). And today (or last night rather), I bought a wireless network adapter (also off Ebay). What am I going to buy next? I can't afford to keep doing stuff like this. The rest of the money that I saved for college is now dedicated only to buying Christmas presents for people that I like. I guess I don't really care that much about the price. It's a really cool birthday present for someone that I love. I guess money is irrelevant (that's what loans are for).

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What I do in my free time at Morris.

Jee golly, Batman! It seems as though we have already locked up all the bad guys! What do we do now!? That's about how I feel about Morris. Unlike what they said when I accepted this school, I have found that there is very little do do for the person who does not wish to be involved with all the "activities." That is what I did through hghschool. I was involved in absolutly everything. I'm worn out. I just want to sit back and relax without making myelf part of some "club." I want to be able to go to Caribou and get a cooler at 10 PM. I want to have a place where I can go late at night just to sit down in a comfortable atmosphere, relax, and do homework or serf the web. Morris does not offer that. Nor do they offer a decent place to shop. I want to go to a mall. Yes, Morris has a mall, but I want a mall that actually has something. Ugly cloths store and an old guy talking about his orange juice doesn't quite cut it for me. I want a movie theater that actually shows movies. I want to live in a place where the best thing to do isn't playing video games (or in most other people's cases, getting drunk). Point: I'm bored here. Morris doesn't offer me what I want so I plan to transfer out to the Minneapolis campus.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

(sigh) Silly overy bored police with nothing to do at 1:00 in the morning.


I got pulled over again today by the local police. Apparently, in Wright County, the police don't have anything to do at 1:00 AM (when everyone in St. Michael Albertville is drunk off their asses, trying to drive to the next bar or party) other than pull people over for missing a front liscense plate (which no one actually has time to read while driving down the road at 55 mph (but never any faster. Obviously)). At least I haven't gotten a tiket for it, yet.