Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hugemassive Discussion Review Thing

I guess this is my discussion review post. It may be a little late, but it's here.

So discussion in our class didn't usually take up the whole time. At the start of class, discussions seemed to be a little more focused on the material that we were reading. We talked a little bit about the books, then lost focus on some random stuff that was brought up. Of the two days of class we had each week, it seemed like about a total of one was actually used for class related discussion and the other half was whatever happened to us the day before or what is going to happen that weekend. Most of the time, it also involved only three or four people. This probably had a lot to do with a lot of people not really caring to share what kinds of plans they were making for the weekend. Discussion often felt like it was just tryong to waste time so that the class would take up all of its scheduled fifty minutes. When it did focus on the class material, it was usually pretty good. People did bring up specific examples out of the book and sometimes even managed to bring up examples out of their own family history. I thought that was kind of neat. That's really about it for the year long discussion review. That pretty much a vague discription of exactly how discussion went this semester.

Friday, December 08, 2006

On a Side Note

On a side note, I can't stand when people use the term rest in peace or R.I.P. I just think it sounds bad and if you know anything about the person, you should be able to come up with something better than "rest in peace."

In Loving Memory of Ellis Bergstrom

The saddest thing happened this week. My high school band director's son, Ellis Bergstrom, died this week. Ellis was born with a bad heart. He made it two years on that weak heart when the doctors originally said he wouldn't live more than two weeks. Ellis went downhill after his heart transplant due to infections.

It almost made it worse that when I found out it just happened to be at the same time as one of those sad endings of Scrubs, you know, where they play the sad music and something goes wrong. The song they happened to be playing at that time was Fix You by Coldplay. And that made it extra hard just because it helped set the mood. I know this is going to happen because that's just the way I am; but from now on, whenever I hear Fix You, I'll end up thinking of how cool Ellis was.

It's sad to think that this kind of thing happens to the nicest people.

We will all miss you Ellis. You were already better at the drum set than anyone I know. I guess your skills are needed elsewhere.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Oh my god! What is that loud ass beeping sound that is making my ears bleed!?! What's that? I can't hear you over the fire alarm. You say someone burnt chicken nuggets? You say they freaked out and pulled the fire alarm at 5:00 in the morning? What an idiot! Seriously, why the hell would anyone pull the fire alarm because they burnt chicken nuggets?!

For those of you who don't know about it, someone pulled the fire alarm in Gay hall tower two at 5:00 in the morning on Saturday. We had to go outside and freeze our asses off while the fire department showed up only to find burnt chicken nuggets. What the hell! Who pulls the fire alarm because they burnt their chicken nuggets?